Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Good Criminal background check website?

Is there a reputable site I can go to search people's backgrounds to see if they have been arrested, committed crimes, ect, also, I would like one where I can pay a one time fee and search a number of times, thanks in advance!
You can see the details of an actual background report. See "View Sample Report", here:
You can run a background check on her or him, then ask her questions to verify what you found out. If you want to be discrete, you can ask your questions as part of a social conversation when you are getting to know each other. Then verify her answers against what you have learned.
This is how to do your own free background check:
Like many answers, it all depends on the details:
What information do you want?
How much work are you willing to do to get it?
How fast do you want it?
If you are willing to do some work yourself, you can perform a background check on someone for free.
Criminal Background Check:
Criminal records are kept by the Clerk of Courts in each courthouse. Every city, town, county, state, and the federal government have their own courthouses. We know there are 50 states, 3000 counties, and over 30,000 cities, towns, or townships in the USA. That is a lot of courthouses, and most of them do not share their information. However, it is all public information, and you are allowed to review it.
If you know where the subject person has lived and traveled, then you know which courthouse records to check.
Do-it-Yourself Free Background check issues:
a)One problem is finding out your subject-persons lifetime travel history. He could have committed a crime anywhere he has ever been.
b)2nd problem is the amount of work you must do to check every courthouse in those locations.
c)3rd problem is that you could miss important records if you miss any of the locations that your subject-person has been to.
d)4th problem is cost. If the courthouse has digitized their records and published them on a website, then you can often review them for free. But if you must travel to the courthouse, that requires your time and travel costs. Finally, if you get copy of the record, some courthouses charge $1 per page. Wow! That can be expensive.
e)So a do-it-yourself background check may cost you a significant amount of money if you want to perform a complete background check.
Other Records:
You will probably want to check out some other records on your subject-person.
Do your want to know about:
Marriages and Divorces
Tax liens
Civil law suits
Professional licenses
Corporate ownership
Property ownership.
All of that information is public, and you can review it. But, you have the same issues that you had with the Criminal Records. The information is not all in one place. You have to find out where it is, and you may have to travel to those locations.
Information Aggregators
On the internet, some companies specialize in collecting all of this public information, putting it in their database, and making it available for instant access. For example, Illinois Youth Soccer (http://www.iysa.org) has a Risk Management publication that refers to:
You can review some of this information for free and get the results immediately on the internet.
How to Perform a Do-It-Yourself Free Background Search %26 Check:
Step #1 鈥?At an information aggregator, like BackgroundSearch.com , you can put in your subject-person鈥檚 name and find every city that he lived-in. That website provides this information for free. You can enter as many names as you like, as many times as you like. Now you know which courthouse records to review.
Step #2 鈥?At the same website, you can find a list of the Criminal Record Offices of every city, county, and state in the USA, along with their website (as reported to the U.S. government.).
Step #3.- Go to the courthouse website, or to the courthouse (if they do not have a website), and review their public records.
Step #4 鈥?Back at BackgroundSearch.com, you can find the Record Offices for Vital Records (Marriage, Divorce, Births, Deaths). Repeat step #3 for Vital Records and any other type of records that you need.
Purchasing a Background Check:
If you want to get a complete report, instantly, you can purchase a comprehensive background check from BackgroundSearch.com (or other information aggregators). Every company (without exception) will charge you something for a complete background check. The companies have to cover their costs to gather all of the public information, put it in a database, keep it up to date every day about everyone, and make it available to you on the internet for instant access.
Sex Offenders:
The U.S. government does keep a list of all convicted sex offenders in one place. You can find it here: http://www.nsopr.gov/
Good luck with your background check.
A good site is http://www.blackbookonline.info/. Click on the states and then choose your state. Most of the information on individuals is a public record. You can go to different court sites in different counties and get a lot of information.
US search is a paid for search engine. works pretty well but you have to pay.

Going to court??

im 16 and i used my sisters phone WITH her permission. she was aware that some of the calls were long distance. my mom said she would pay the $100 phone bill, but my sister said she is taking me to court. can she do that since im under age?
She gave her consent for you to use the phone.
Further, anyone who deals with a minor does so at their own risk.
Your sister would have to prove damages. However, since your mother has stated she would pay for the calls, your sister has suffered no damages.
Her suit is baseless.
I would hope that you two can sit down and reason together without having to go to court. Blood is thicker than water.
She most certainly can you are not that under age were you can't be taken to small claims court,and what gets me is why would she do it in the first place since she gave you permission to use it and the she said she said rule, would not work in court ether the judge would see this as siblings getting upset with each other and probably dismiss the whole thing so why waste the time even to go to court but if she decides to take you to court you are 16 you are of age to go to court so don't think u aren't you'd be mistaken.
She can take you to court to the extent that she can have you served with a summons forcing you to appear, but - in most states - it won't do her any good. As soon as the Judge hears that you are only 16, he will - again, in most states - throw the case out because you cannot, as a minor, be held to a contract, hence cannot also be held liable for a debt. Your parents are the ones responsible, and since your Mom has already offered payment, your sister could be held liable for vexatious suit. Finally, your sister is not being very smart about this because it is going to cost her more in court and sheriff's fees than she could expect to recover in damages. Hope this helps.
Is that the same sister you're baby sitting for? Does she pay you? If not maybe she should reconsider that court thing. But didn't your mom offer to pay? Does she know that? Then why is she complaining?Maybe it's a sign that you should go back to your parents and work things out. Think about it.

Godparents' legal rights?

My husband and I have a two year old little girl, and we are getting our wills done soon to ensure her safety should something happen to us. We have decided on a guardian for her, my best friend. However, our families are outraged at this and would probably try to wrest custody of our daughter from our chosen guardian should we die. Would establishing her as Godmother make her legal rights to our daughter more valid, since she is not a blood relative? If so, How would we go about it?
Being a godparent is not a legal relationship. It is a relationship within the church. A godparent looks to assist in the religious upbringing of a child.
I would advise you to have properly drafted wills containing the appointment of a guardian of the person of your minor children. The courts will honor that appointment over the objection of family members unless the family members can prove to the Orphans' Court that such appointment is NOT in the best interests of the child. It makes no difference if the proposed guardian is not related by blood or marriage.
Your next step is to make an appointment with your lawyer to have your wills drafted.
Godparents have no legal rights but, you can name them to have custody of your daughter in your will.
Godparents is not a legally relevent concept. It is a church thingy.
The courts place great weight on the wishes of the parents in their will regarding custody no matter how much the blood relatives throw a hissy fit.
However, at the end of the day the courts will apply the best interest of the child standard.
At least that is how I understand it. Discuss it further with the atty who is drafting your wills.
Being a godparent does nothing legally. That job is really more of a religous thing where you are to help guide the child as they grow.
I would talk to the attorney who is doing your will. Perhaps if you write in some good visitation, you will be able to deflate things by indicating that if they attempt to oppose the will for any reason, they will lose the visitation rights.
Keep in mind that your families are hurt because they love your little girl and want her to be a part of their lives forever. Make sure that you take steps to ensure that this takes place.
And make sure that your best friend knows that stupidity can end this -- if she gets into drugs, alcohol abuse, etc. that the rights automatically default to a family member -- this will protect your little girl as well.
God parent's have no rights. You are wise in getting your wills done %26 spelling out who you want your child to be with if something unfortunate should happen. As long as the person that you've chosen is "fit" then there should be no problem. Your family is feeling hurt because they probably feel that you don't trust them or something. What are your reasons? Explain them to your family if you can. Your family could try to dig up dirt on this person should something happen to you but unless they're a "murderer or molester" then I don't think there's much that can be done.
My best advice is to call a custody lawyer %26 do a "free" legal consultation. Most lawyers offer this. That way you can make sure that your wills are "airtight".
You can also make a video tape of the both of you reading your wills when they're done %26 that way if it were taken to court upon your deaths, then the judge could see that you were making a decision under no duress and that it was truly your wishes.
If you have a properly drafted will, the wishes of your family will be irrelavent. Make sure that your wishes are clearly stated in your will and that the potential gaurdian is fully aware of the situation.
I'd up my life insurance just a bit to help with any possible litigation.
I'd make sure that the attorney handling my will is fully aware of the situation and adds any needed clauses to the will.
I'd also make sure that copies of the will are given to any unrelated parties that might come to your child's defense in the event of your death. The more people who know and understand your wishes, the better.

and no, naming someone a "godparent" does nothing. That is not a legal term.

***** You might ask your attorney if you can SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDE the ones who you think will try to get her. Basically state in your will that under no circumstances is it your wish for her to end up with Xxxx and Xxxxxx.

Give me your opinion if this is wrong or right.?

One day I went for a walk to the local outdoor swimming pool because it was about 30 celsius, after arriving at the fenced outdoor swimming pool it was obvious to me that there was many people sunbathing on the pool deck. People were also swimming in the pool, as I proceeded to walk and look around the fenced pool. A police officer on his bike proceeded to stop me and asked me what I was doing looking in side the fenced swimming pool area, because he recieved a female compaint "that I was gaughing at her.".,
-Now tell me your opinion weather,it was wrong or right that the complaint was made by the female.?
-Should the police officer have stopped me, why.?
sounds like harrassment to me. if the fence wasn't meant to be seen thru it would be a solid 6' fence with no viewing possibilities. staring is not a crime.beside how would she know you were checking her out unless she was looking at you. you should have reported her too then.
well by looking at your name im saying it probably was the right idea
will be keep and care in open place
I think it was invalid, and NOT enough reason to question you. The officer should have observed for a while prior to acting, I mean... what's the charge??
ANY girl could easily have a wedgie up her butt and make a complaint, being overly sensitve and paranoid.
I think it was wrong. I would have been mad.
wow..that lady is an iddiot..first of all she was being a complete tatteltale telling the police officer that u were checking her out ..who cares.boys do dat
dat was so wrong of her
Thats ridiculous!
I have to ask, where you staring at the pool? But for how long...its a pool. So people might et the idea you were staring at whats in the pool.(not the water!)
It is unfair that the woman complained, because you wernt doing anything illegal. It is a public swimming pool and she was in a bikini, is she that niamh to think men dont glance at her.
It make me wonder, if you were a woman, would any of this happen?
This is called a field interview. The officer just wanted your side of the story so he/she has enough information to decided if what you did was wrong or not.
If you did not get a citation you were not wrong.
Personally, if a man was looking at me at a swimming pool, I would be very scared at the man. You can never be safe anymore, but if you were just scanning through the pool, then I think she jumped to conclusions.
I think the police was doing his job by serving her, and asking you what you were up to.
I just think you were misunderstood
If the police received a complaint, they have to investigate it. If it is a pulic pool, you are not breaking any law by by passing by and looking. If you are just standing there for a long time , then you may be violating some law.
If a girl was laughing at me, I wouldn't really care (unless she was laughing at the huge stain on the back of my shirt or something). We're you laughing at her at all? If you were, she should not have made the complaint like an 8 year old would.
He received a complaint. He needs to investigate.
What you didn't mention is what the police officer did after telling you that she complained about it.
Did he arrest you?
Did he prevent you from going into the pool?
Did he walk away and not do anything else after telling you?
In this day and age, any unidentified person who is walking around a fenced pool, not looking for anyone in particular, who does so for a protracted period of time, and does not enter the pool is going to raise suspicions. If you put 5 males and 5 females in that situation, one of each will eventually call to have the matter investigated.
I beleive there is more to this than meets the eye, Mr. EyeSpy. You say you went to the pool because it was warm out. You do NOT indicate that you intended to swim or cool off. Was there a correlation between the heat and the fact that there were probably more scantily clad people there than normal because of it? Why did you not enter the pool and join them? Why were you content to "walk around" and "peer through the fence"?
This behavior may seem innocent in an impersonal venue like freelawanswer.com , and many will disagree with me when I say that I do not beleive you are as innocent in this as you make it sound. In response I will ask "What if your ten year old daughter were at the pool?" I beleive the police office was right and I would have expected nothing less. Nor should you.

Give me some good reasons to become a lawyer?

I'm starting to doubt this career path. It seems like too much work, with few benefits.
If you believe in the justice system and would like to right the wrongs of the world and like interpreting facts and finding information it is a great career path.
Defense attorneys are an integral part of the system. Without them innocent people could be railroaded all the time. People seem to forget that our justice system operates on the idea that it is better for 9 guilty men to go free than 1 innocent man go free. Our system is a system of checks and balances. It is neither the job of prosecutor or the defence attorney to determine guilt. It is their job to present two opposite sides of a case and the judge or jury is charged with determining where the truth lies.
Also, people seem to forget that there is more to being a lawyer than criminal work. Lawyers help keep people safe when entering into real estate and business deals. Help get child support from dead beat fathers. Help people ensure that their assets go where they want when they die.
Its not for everyone and not all lawyers make a lot of money. Just as with any profession work ethic and capacity determine how much you make. I am a legal assistant and know plenty of lawyer who make less a year than I do. (Granted, I am darn good at what I do and they are lazy and disorganized.)
If you get a law degree and do not like like you can work in business, insurance, the civil service or plenty of other places.
You can help keep criminals on our streets.
If your parents were married at the time of your birth, you're not really qualified to be a lawyer.
Jokes aside, I wish I had taken that path. Lawyers serve an important (but sometimes distasteful) purpose and a good one can accomplish precedents and effect real changes in the law.
Lawyers make as much as a teacher or a millionair depends on how good you are, and who you know.
That's the best answer I can come up with.
You can be in a difference to make a difference. Find an area of law that you feel passionate about...it doesn't have to be in torte or contracts. With the world expanding and getting smaller at the same time; we are being faced with areas of law that were never considered before. Cloning, environment, what is going to happen when the baby boomers finally get really old... will our current obsession with "quality of life" obscure the natural progression of growing old and dying? While it is easy to think of many thinks as moral decisions, our lives are and will be guided by the LAW. How can that not be exciting?
Well you will be able to make a difference for a lot of people. You can make good money, become more confident when you are helping your clients, and you will be learning to focus on different issues. And you will make better choices and decisions.
You can make good money, you will probably always be able to find work if you're any good, and you can help put criminals away and keep good people out of jail.
It certainly is a lot of work. Heck just getting the degree is a lot of work. That said, you can make a lot of money. There is job security in being a lawyer (you can almost always find work). You can be your own boss (but that's even more work). Regardless of what the d-bags trolling this board will say, it is a respected profession. Without lawyers there would be no USA (of course the same could be said about Freemasons). if you get a JD and end up not enjoying the practice of law, you can always go into business. A vast majority of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies have law degrees.
I like practicing law most days. It beats the hell out of bagging groceries or filing TPS reports.
Money. It doesn't bring happiness, but it sure makes misery a lot easier to deal with.

Give me one best update on My Expectation & Limitation?

do so
Consider yourself updated.
do your duty don't- expect any benefit for it
This question has been listed under 'law %26 ethics' category. So I tried my best, to understand the question. But in the absence of any relevant fact, no assessment of issue involved,if any, has been possible.
It can just be stated:
There is a law of limitation in India (as well as several countries). The limitation is to be calculated depending upon the facts and circumstances, in each case.
There is no law of expectations. But in jurisprudence, there is a "doctrine of legitimate expectations". When pleaded, the court will examine the facts and circumstanes of the case, in the light of applicability of this doctrine.
If, a matter of law is what is meant, please repost,with adequate facts. If relating to any other subject, please repost with proper details, proper question and proper grammar., and also specifying the category.
Read Bhagavad-gita. In Sanskrit it is like this...
Karmanye vadhika raste ma faleshu kadachan! Do your work (honestly) without expecting what the fruit/gain will be. That's not ur look-out, God will take care of it.
One does not know the 'limitations' of a person except in the 100 and 200 Metres races... As far as your expectations are concerned; though it may be rather trite to say so, but only you can assess them. You can of course make an informed judgement based on your motivation, work, resources, your capacity to take risks, ability to handle failure and so on.

Give me freedom?

What degree of freedom do you feel is fair to surrender for a fair degree of security?
None, I feel less safe when I have less liberties.
Making me less vulnerable to a perceived threat makes me more vulnerable to a known threat.
Considering I have nothing to hide, I have no issue with wiretapping or things like that. I know I won't get in trouble for anything I say or do because I respect and follow the law. So, that would not make me lose any freedoms at all.
That said, I think unless there is reasonable suspicion of someone, they should not be tapped or spied upon.
None. Then again, I have given up no freedoms.
Zero. The government would like you to think that the only way they can protect you fully is by infringing on some of your civil liberties, but that just ain't true.
the society that gives up freedom for security deserves neither freedom or security.. (B Franklin) if memory serves.
None we have when down a path of no return. The government will take more and more from the people. freedom is gone you have people looking through your private thinks and we undress before all we have any and everyone knowing your address, license numbers and social security numbers and your telephone. You call that being secure Thing again. Look at all the stolen Identies
The major problem with giving up rights or freedom if you will is, the more control you give an entity over you the more control they want.
With the porkbarrel politics we have, the first 2 or 3 items on the agenda are necessary but item 3 will be, for an example, a clause that says that this can be amended at any time without further discussion. What if all of a sudden, the brain trust decided that everyone's calls should be monitored? You've just lost the right to privacy. What if the cops can kick your door in without a warrant or notice, or for what they think is suspicious activity?
While we do need some type of protection plan, don't be a scared sheep and just agree to whatever is put in front of you. Think about what this "COULD" mean in the long run.
This is how the government gets most of their policies in place. I am not anti-American or government, but those in charge have to be kept in their place too, or you have a monarchy.
From a purely legal stand I don't feel that what the government knows about me is wrong.
But if this knowledge is in the hands of some one who would use it for their own ends %26 against my best interest I oppose it.
While I have nothing to hide about my self.
I say that if the some one is going to use the government to find out more about me that they should take the legal steps to do so. The blanket collection of information on every one is not in the best interest of a free society.
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