Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Girlfriend hates that the boyfriend smokes weed?

I've been smoking since 16. She hates that I smoke weed. Sometimes I smoke a couple times a day, other times I don't smoke. I go to work, pay my bills. I have friends and family I love and take her places. But we just got back from a holiday during which I didn't smoke, and after finishing the chores and going thru the bills I started dinner and smoked a roach while she set the table. Now she's given me an ultimatum and she's serious cuz it took her a full hour of arguing and yelling to deliver it. I don't like her yelling. but I have to be honest I told her I can't commit to not doing it. We're supposed to celebrate our 3 month anniversary.
if you really love her then why are you smoking if you want to live along live with your girlfreind then get help evry time you smoke weed your just flushing your life down the drain
Grow up and quit smoking weed. If you care enough about her and her feelings then you'll quit. Who knows...you may spare a few brain cells. You might thank her for that.
Break up with her. I dated a stoner for 3 years and it's the worst thing I've ever done. I gave him the ultimatum several times, but never followed through with it. Now I regret every minute of being with that loser.
It's all about priorities. Which one do you value more?
well you and her should talk about it ,and try to come up with
a solution.
Hmmmm. You have a girlfriend that I'll assume you love, and you love smoking dope. You have to give up one or the other.
Girlfriend, or dope?
Girlfriend, or dope?
Girlfriend, or dope?
I'd say give up the weed. I might be wrong, but companionship, love, and sexual activity that doesn't require looking at a magazine while you use Mr. Hand trumps smoking weed.
On the other hand, I might be off-base.
This is probably a good indication that you two have differences that won't work out. I'm not going to sit here and preach to you about drugs since you don't appear to be endangering anyone but yourself. But you clearly have two different viewpoints on weed. This is probably an indication that you are not right together since a big part of your life seems to really bother her.
Dump her. You don't need that crap in your life. Instead find someone else who shares your passions, but won't go through all of your stash.
you really need to ask?
give it up!! you could die!
I don't think this is going to work for you. Find a girl who atleast doesn't mind that you smoke it. Relationships are all about compatibility - you wouldn't pair a dog hater with someone who works in animal rescue.
I think she see's somthing she is more happy with when your not smoking, either your more happier or you seem like yourself more to her, and when you smoke your giving less of yourself to her, i.e not enuff, too bad you should have never stopped smoking lol, she will obviusly leave you if you dont, i think, maybe you can come to an aggrement where you only smoke like once a week on friday, or maybe once every two weeks or once a month, or once a day i dont know, try and work somthing out, but i dont think she likes seeing you high,,,,,
Grow up. smoking does nothing but kill you. and makes you loose things. such as yer girlfriend. what do you like more? weed or her? if you love her you would do anything for her. including giving up weed. loose the weed before you loose her.
She's smart. No one wants to be around a pothead. I hope you listen to her and change your life. You are headed for a life of problems otherwise. Can't you choose between a good woman and a disgusting habit? That ought to tell you something right there.
in relationships the big question is always the same..
"Do you Love him/her Enough ?"
tell your girle friend that it is somthing you do and can not quit so easiley and that you want to keep a relationshoip with her and tell her that if it will make things easyer that you will not smoke around her and just let her know it is an addicting drug and you cant just quit in five seconds tell her you cant help it youv don it almost all your life and plenty of relationships hav survived with mates smoking and the other not
"you go to work" "you pay your bills" sounds like you're a good guy..Just one with not a lot of initiative. You're just cruising through life. If you think your girlfriend is focused on the pot, she's not..The pot is just the obvious symbol of what's really her problem with you. She's subconsciously
sizing you up as all females do for a husband, and a suitable father to her child, she seeks an alpha male with prowess; POT takes those sharp agressive tendencies away. No way around it dude. You need to make a choice, but however it plays you will have the same issues again in another relatinship.
I smoked weed for 20 years, then I met "HER". She didn't approve (on many levels, but mostly it was the going to jail part) SO, I quit "hanging out" with my old pot-smoking buddies %26 here it is over 10 years later. I am in love with her %26 although I still think about how I used to smoke pot I don't miss it... well, maybe a little, but "SHE" is way more important than getting high.
We quit smoking cigarettes too, together %26 it's been like 8 or 9 years, I can't even remember anymore.
Think that over.
In the scope of life, weed is really a small problem. Meth, girls on the side, now those are issues. Altho I am an advocate, it makes me biased, but I have always thought weed was better than alcohol or any drug. I don't classify weed as a drug. It is my medicine. All that being said, I have never in my life seen anyone "wig out" on weed. An occasional roach is not going to kill anyone and if it helps with the stress this world puts out these days, I say go for it. Maybe it's good you learn this early in the relationship so if it's a deal breaker for her then you will know. Screaming should be an indicator she is not willing to budge, and if she does, she will only look down her nose at you every time you do it, and judge you. You have to decide if it is all worth it, or if you should find someone who appreciates you just the way you are.
If I were her I would drop you like a hot spud
You need to weight the good and the bad for both and see hich one has more good and stick with that choice.
Get a new girlfriend
if she really loved you she'd look past the weed
we all do things other people dont 'agree with'
but in a relationship we get over it, and love each other anyhow
girls ALWAYS pull this shi.t they date guys with some sort of problem they dont like and try to "FIX" them
and as soon as they get you "perfect" they get board and dump you anyhow
hey weed's always been there for you
she doesn't bi.tch about sh.it and get all whiny
how many girlfriends have you had in your life? one more wont hurt
...face the truth ! ...your a "pot" head and she wants something more........
the two of you will not last becouse you smok and she dos not

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