Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gentlemen - whats the procedure?

pulled into the garage and turned off my engine, unlocked my door and it opened by itself.
standing there with a clenched fist and bearing over the arch of the door was a white haired old guy who went on to tell me that i had cut across him at a roundabout (yes, but with enough space for a 40 ft truck) and how he was an off duty policeman (sure) and had relatives in the police, (of course) there was also some physical threat - this boggled me - as im sure you know such a situation would normally warrant beating the perpetrator to submission, however in this case it was an older ...gentleman.
i need to know whether to offer a severe beating to such an individual in future ... id say mid to late 50s.
No. What you do is get his license number, go to the local police, and report that you were threatened by someone claiming to be a police officer. They'll run the plates and go from there. Since the guy jerked open your door, the guy's prints would prove he had been there.
Police officers get very cranky with posers.
haha he just fancied you that's all. ignore it unless you want some old dude action
Then he could really have you arrested. Best ignore.
I'd suggest offering an apology for cutting him off, and a firm warning that speaking to you in such a manner again will jeopardize his health. If he doesn't turn around and walk away immediately, offer a small sample of said jeopardy.
I'd have just punched his fu*king lights out. Only of course, once you'd left the CCTV confines of the garage. Cut him up at the next roundabout, smash his skull like an eggshell, punch his kidneys and plunge your thumbs into each eye socket, then drive off. In his car.
A threat of immediate physical harm accompanied by some physical act that would indicate you actually intend to carry out that act would be considered assault in most states. If I were you I would keep my cool and leave out the threats.
i think a beating would be to much.. maybe a f*ck off and go away approach
Just humour the ignorant,
Bet he likes going into empty smoke free pubs
I'm surprised you even have to ask us.
Just say sorry and invite him to use your shower and washing machine.
If it really bothers you, other him the use of your wife and children.
Who knows, he may be a better husband.
just say sorry mate, if he doesn't go tell him you said you were sorry now piss off, if he comes towards you just push him away and say you don't want to fight him and tell him again to piss off and just walk into your house and forget about him.
In my eyes he deserves a good kick in but he could have a heart attach or something meaning you could kill the guy and go down for manslaughter, is a bit of road range really worth that, i think not
What this "gentleman" did was harassment, and the fact that he opened your car door, it's assault. it's illegal and could land his butt in jail, next time, take note of his licence plate and report it. People get cut off all the time, how they deal with it is something else.
You'd be better advised to grow up and learn how to drive with more consideration for other road users.
This guy broke into your house and was threatening you, to me that is enough to kill the guy. I have guns and knives in my house, i would easily pull one out tell him to get the F*** out or i will blow your brains out. since he was old though a sufficient beating should be fine. the important thing though is to make sure you get a message across, whatever method possible.
If this garage is a private attachment to your residence, you beat him within an inch of his life, then call the authorities...he's an intruder. If it's a public garage.oh hell, I'd thump him anyway! Just remember to move your car after-wards.
I have that oft heard screech from the pub ringing in my head...
"Noooo Wayne! Stop it! Eees not wurf it!"
Just say... I say old chap, I'd rather you were a bit more polite on the road
It'll work wonders
Tempting as it would be to punch him- as a gentleman I would strongly advise a more polite approach.
Insult him with a tirade of patronising abuse, that makes yourself sound intelligent whilst belittling him and humiliating him in public...I always find calling someone a "little man" helps. When he feels about an inch tall and embarrassed that someone half his age or so has outwitted him, then I'd tell him to f**k off and carry on with your business.
If, as expected, he would continue to shout abuse at you, just turn to him and say "I'm sorry sir, I've said all I had to say. Good day sir", and turn away again.
Following this, the silent treatment should suffice, until you are safely in your car. Whilst driving away you can choose one of a number of hand gestures (my preference the w**king gesture) in order to infuriate him as well as having belittled and humiliated him.
Hopefully that shound do the trick- even if you haven't cleared your name for driving, you will have p**sed him off and made yourself feel happier that you had done!
Just a suggestion.
what Wee Ste said

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