Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gay marriage I challenge you to tell me how this harms my family?

OTTAWA (CBC) - Ontario's first openly gay cabinet minister is getting married this weekend
Health Minister George Smitherman, 43, is tying the knot with Christopher Peloso, 33, on Sunday at a picturesque resort in northern Ontario.
About 200 guests were expected to witness the lakeside ceremony outside a lodge near Sudbury, Ont.
The pair were quietly engaged on Christmas Day and Smitherman made the engagement public in February.
During last year's federal election campaign, the Liberal deputy premier talked about having a "shotgun wedding" if the federal Conservatives reversed the country's law allowing same-sex marriage.
A motion to reopen the same-sex marriage debate was easily defeated in Parliament on Dec. 7, 2006.
I am a straight white married man rapidly becomeing a middle aged married man - My family has been in this country for almost 200 years - etc etc
All I want to know is how on earth te above news quote harms me and how
It doesn't harm you or anyone else, despite the choleric rants of the God-botherers. If more prominent pols, vicars, actors, writers, role-model types of every kind, e.g., were to marry it might possibly shut the crazies down. It's hard to reason with these people...questions like, "Will your marriage erode?" and "Do you feel threatened personally?" leave them gasping in the dust...with nothing but 1 or 2 obscure NT references to hang onto. I'm in your category too and am mystified at the screaming fits.
It doesn't.
I don't understand why some people are so freaked out about 2 people getting married that they don't even know...
Who care...whatever floats their boat.
I don't see it fair that two people who are of the opposite sex get married and they get tax breaks and everything else (including a divorce after about 10 years)..BUT two people of the same sex get treated differently.
Who cares.if married people would worry about themselves instead of two gays getting married, maybe the divorce rate would lower.
I am very thankful that I live the in US for this very reason. Morals...that's what this behavior harms. When pastors in churches are unable to say that God is against such behavior unless they are willing to be jailed, my religious freedoms and beliefs are put into question and taken away from me. I would never want my children learning in school that this is a good and acceptable lifestyle. It is against God and against the union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. I will go to my deathbed believing this is an unacceptable lifestyle for families.
This should be allowed everywhere in the USA.
My son %26 has partner have outlasted 2 of my son's aunts marriages--the 2 women have divorced 6 TIMES in the time my son has been with his partner.
So who is more committed here?
Do you have children?
Does your child have a mommy and a daddy?
From a psychological point of view, it "clouds" the child's way of thinking. It shows them that little Jimmy has two daddies. When your child begins to learn about anatomy, all of that goes down the pisser!
It has no affect on your marriage. That some object because it violates their religious beliefs is their personal problem, IMO -- if you believe gay marriage is wrong, don't enter one. But that someone else doesn't believe it's wrong and gets married doesn't have anything to do with you.
It makes Pokemon show up.
This is totally disgusting, and morally wrong.
I'm a happily married man and my wife a happily married woman ... 26 years now.
Our relationship has grown and gotten stronger through some times that were good and some other times that were not so good.
A personal commitment to another person (and the children that have come) has made us better people.
I hope the commitment Minister Smitherman will make will make him and his partner better people.
I don't feel that such a relationship will harm me or my family.
While I read your question, another question occurred to me that is if something such as a gay marriage being so openly discussed as if it were no different than the news of a traditional man %26 woman wedding then what makes the sanctity of marriage so sacred?
You wonder how the news quote harms you? Well, directly it doesn't, but indirectly it may. If you are raising children and do not take the time to discuss the moral effects of such a news release with them, they will be led to believe that if it is ok in parliment then it must be ok with the world. Reality is its not. Without dragging religion into this its simple to say "whatever floats their boat, its their life-their choice," But when looking at it from God's point of view...there was a reason he created man and woman. I'm sure you would like your lineage to continue in your area since it has been there already for over 200 years. If you have a son that turns out to be gay and marries another man, what are the odds that your bloodline will continue? Its easy to say the name will go on, all he has to do is adopt a child. But your families lineage stops there.
Thats my take on the whole situation. I hope I met your challenge with some good points.
It doesn't. My mom and her partner are married in Vermont--and it hasn't harmed me or my wife.
It's just the religious nuts and the right who believe it harms traditional family values and marriages.
Oddly enough, we have a higher divorce rate with traditional marriages--than we do with gay marriages. People are more than likely to cheat in their "traditional" marriage than they are--if they were married to the same sex.
Abuse is more common in traditional marriages than they are in gay ones.
And here's the kicker: Washington state recently okayed civil unions for gays and lesbians. The day before, some local and outspoken Christian sects said that this was a "threat to traditional marriages and family values". (According to a Christian family group spokesman.)
The day that gays and lesbians could go to Olympia to certify their marriages, NOT ONE Christian Family Group (or likewise) came out to PROTEST the moment at the state's marriage license office.
So my question is this: If civil unions are such a THREAT to traditional marriage, why aren't these like-minded groups out there protesting whenever some gay or lesbian couple gets married out in public or recieve their licenses?
The answer is simple: They are cowards. They don't have a real leg to stand on. Everything is built on hypocrisy and fear.
Fear of the unknown, fear of change.
It doesn't. If people would just learn not to judge the life styles of others, then they would really be as close to understanding God, as they think they are! *sm*
I am a recently divorced heterosexual woman. I apploud you Honorable Health Minister. I wish you and your partner all the best in life.

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