Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free the WEED Campaign!!?

FACT- Alcohol vs Cannabis related deaths.
How many Cannabis related deaths do you know of?
How many Alcohol related deaths do you know of?
The statistics speak for themselves. The government made it illegal because they will make less money on the cigarette/ alcohol industry if it was legal.
It is a plant that can grow with loving care in your own back garden...its practically free!
The world would be a happier place if it was made legal.
A week ago, the media gave it more bad publicity per usual but don't believe it. The only reason why was because more and more are campaigning to legalize it. The media trying to brainwash us puppets as usual.
Cannabis is a true safe pain killer for those who must suffer the misery of chemo and radiation associated with lung cancer.After the sickness caused by chemo pot will damn sure help the suffering and calm nausea.!
Have you ever smelled somebody after that have hit that stuff. Hell some guy rolls up and blows that crap into my kids face is going to be face done in a pole of blood.
every body would b rich and sellin it lol
I agree. In a recent report on MSN, smoking a marijuana joint does the equivalent harm as 5 cigarettes. Guess a few cigarette's are clearly the healthier choice.
Your also correct in that we could grow our own weed easily and have more than enough to go around the block a few times.
Also, in those quantity's, instead of smoking it, it could be eaten.
Parents could teach there children about the affects of marijuana, just like alcohol and tobacco.
Also, compared to our pharmaceutical selections, many of which are highly addictive, dangerous, and debilitating, I see little threat in legalization of marijuana.
Finally, alcohol and tobacco are the true gateway drugs.

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