Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Garry Newlove. The dad who was killed by thugs. 3 teenagers have been arrested. If they are guilty, what...

should their punishment be? My heart breaks for his family. Bless you, Mr Newlove.
My other half was threatened with a knife recently for confronting the local hoodies It scared the life out of me. We have an 8 month old baby.
The police promised to come round and take a statement and never did. Meanwhile the hooded ones are targetting us for their malice, banging on our doors and windows to wake up my baby every night (they are particularly vicious when they know my other half is at work in the evening), vandalising our cars etc.
These kids are well known to the police. They recently beat up a Dominos Pizza delivery man so badly (and stole his money) that the takeaways no longer delivery to our village. Yet the police have done nothing about them.
They also terrorise the life out of our disabled 86 year old neighbour.
My heart goes out to Mr Newlove's family. It is becoming all too common an occurence these days (Pete Woodhams also -another young dad was killed in front of his family for confronting a bunch of teenagers).
The police need to actually DO something about these cases, they need to patrol areas, arrest these kids when they so much as step out of line and give them real punishment. Not suspended sentences and slap on the wrist tactics (youth detention centres where they can play Playstation all day), but boot camp style kick-up-the-backside programmes where they can be taught that there are people out there much nastier and harder than them and that they have got to sort themselves out and become productive members of society.
They seem to have no respect for anyone or anything.
Put the litle devils in jail.. forever.
i personally think if you take someones life on purpose you should lose yours but being from the uk its not possible so i guess they should put them in a high security prison with all the rapists and pedophiles and leave them to rot.
my thoughts are with Garry's family
The lot of them should be convicted with murder!
But in reality only 1 or 2 will be convicted on a manslaughter charge, and they will be out in a couple of years!
A very long stretch at her Majesty's pleasure not some youth detention centre, its about time this government sent out a message that you are not above the law if you are a teen! If you take a life you lose yours should be the message.
I say they need to be punished. However Johnny Law chooses.
But I say charging them as adults should be a last resort because charging kids as adults is very hypocritical. It says a teen is old enough and responsible enough for punishment but to young and not responsible for rights and privileges. It's very 2 faced.
But if it was my dad they killed I would be the one going to jail 'cause I would killed them myself.!
public lynching!!
set an example of em...
harsh but its almost 4am and im tired, im pretty mean this time of night!
more realistically put them in the army,after they get a good kicking,and i mean GOOD.
Its so sad though, but i still think he did the right thing, just with the wrong consequences.I think people should carry on sticking up for their selves and belongings, just take a bat out with them or something.
Im hoping he's encouraged people to fight back and stand up for theirself and not be frightened, so his death isnt in vein.
to the guy below:
yeh true, army are fighting for the country and dont deserve to work with scum like that, prision in my opinion is an easy life unless you are a peodophile or rapist so public lynching it is.
Gas the little B@stards, slowly.!! To Emnie? the army wouldn't want anything to do with their sort, other than maybe to use 'em for target practice, because like it or not, that's all they are fit for. The PC and Bleeding heart brigade, ARE the cause, by mollycoddling the likes of that scum. My thoughts are with the family, of this brave man.
Exactly what the law says. And when they are banged up, put them in a cell with a man called 'horse' who has not had sex in 20 years...
My thoughts go out to the family as well. The letter from the daughter was heartbreaking.
i knew mr newlove and was good friends with one of his three daughters, zoe in highschool. who ever did this needs putting away for life. garry was fantastic man and would talk to anybody. xx
Being a fellow work colleague of Garry's this news has been traumatising for me and the rest of the staff Garry worked with. He was a Kind, Pleasent and an honest individual who enjoyed working with the Company. I cannot belive that kids of such an age would be capable of taking away an Innocent man's life. A man who has a family and his whole life ahead of him. Because of these thugs he can no longer live to see that. They should be punished for life, put in jail,and throw away the key. Why should they be allowed to walk a free fater a few years and this poor man lay in his grave? All he did was stand up for his rights, he was pretecting his home, he didnt deserve to be killed for this. I want them to rot away in jail and as much as i dont want to say this, but why should they be allowed to live after doing what they have done. They shouldnt be allowed to live they should behind bars.
My sympathiy goes out to Mt Newlove and his family.
An example must be made of the teenage thugs who took Mr Newlove's life there is no excuse. I suggest at least 20 years in prison before being considered for parole.
Sadly, we hear of this type of incident all too often these days and even more of anti social behaviour in our cities and our suberbs. The usual excuse is that "they have nothing to do." There may be an element of truth to this but it isw also true that some of these youths are too ill educated to think of anyhing creative they can do for themselves and are not brought up in a way that instills respect for others. The Government say that local residents must take back their own streets but the problem very often is fear. Local authorities, the police, courts, social services and central government must provide the backup neccessary to give local people the confidence to challenge anti social behaviour llong before it reaches crisis point.
No doubt the "Human Rights" lobby will claim that measures to challenge anti social behaviour are against these young people's human rights. This of course ignores the fact that these same youths are abusing the huiman rights iof the vast majority of the local residents. The right to go about their lawful business without fear of intimidation, attack, injury or even murder at the hands of a gang of local yobs

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