Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gay Police?

Are there gay men in the police department and if so are they out or do they stay in the closet.
Most cities have an association for gay officers. There are strong contingents in the obvious locations - San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles.
There are certainly out officers in many areas of the country.
depends on the individual, I really do not know..
There would be a lot more 20 year old males with legitimate stories about being pulled over and patted down for no reason. spread em boy
there are Gay's everywhere my friend
well in the UK there are a few gay police men and no one really cares, we even have 1 gay chief constable, (that would be like head of state police in america. They are even allowed to have a gay police march in their uniforms, which i find a bit untasteful, . we have a gay police federation and a black police federation which i also find untasful and patronising. as far as i am concerned a policeman is a policeman regardless of their skin colour or sexual orientation
Not a clue. And I confess that I don't care as long as they're good police officers.
There are gays everywhere and in every kind of job.
As far as how they come out or not, I would think that particularly in the alpha-male-dominated, chest-thumping kind of environment that police typically have, that there are a lot of gay men and lesbians who stay in the closet to avoid conflict. I'm sure there are also plenty of gays in the police force who are completely open about their orientation.

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