Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eye for an eye?

Why can't we go to justice being an "Eye for an Eye". I think criminals and sex offenders would stop doing what they do. I have heard that Texas, my wonderful state I live in, is trying to pass a law that sex offenders would be executed after their second offense of molesting a child! I think that is the best idea! This country needs to stop being a pansy *** and start frying these jerks that keep killing people or molesting people. They are sick in the head! Why do we need to keep them around? Fry the bastards!
As I value human life in all stages, I cannot support the death penalty. I am a strong supporter of hard labor. That way, if it turns out that the convicted is innocent, and it does happen, then at least he's still alive and can be appropriately compensated.
For the record, I'm also anti-abortion (as a means of birth control).
Oh, and you're going to catch a whole lot of hell for this question.
I am for the death penalty but only for murder.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Mahatma Ghandi
Really the most laws are simple and the full punishment should always be given. the only times, I think, bargains should ever come into play in court is when there are two or more criminals and one agrees to testify against the other one, not when he decides to plead guilty.
Lets see... FOR STARTERS, the "Death Penalty" is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as life without parole, you see, as I do not believe in an afterlife, dying is no big deal really, being locked up for seventy odd years IS.
PLUS, can any criminal ESPECIALLY sexual offenders REALLY be held fully accountable for their crimes? ask any psychologist and they will tell you that their actions are the direct result of influences in their life, usually early on. in fact, every action made by every person alive is the result of the environment and stimuli surrounding their life, from childhood till death.
so basically, just because you asked this question, I am going to accuse you of being a death mongering fascist. (the fascist is just for good measure, because that seems to be the type of people who say such things)

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