Saturday, October 31, 2009

For all the pro-lifers... what is your opinion on the baby dropoff law?

Baby Safe Haven, Baby Moses, Baby Drop-Off Programs
Some people claim that laws providing for the legal abandonment of infants at baby safe havens will save lives. Is that true? How will the results be measured? What are the arguments against what are sometimes called the "baby Moses", "baby drop-off" or "baby dump" laws?
Families Need Protection From Baby Safe Haven
With only one option provided, no questions asked and no help provided, frightened young moms are giving birth on their own and then doing the best they know how for their newborn sons and daughters by abandoning them at fire stations, churches, hospitals. Billed as a protection for both mothers and babies, in fact not only mothers and babies but also fathers need protection from this law.

Here's the website for the full article:
I would assume that people who are truly pro-life would welcome any option that doesn't require the mother to terminate the pregnancy.
If their concern is truly the life of the baby-to-be, then who ends up taking care of that baby after birth (assuming it's not abused) doesn't enter into the pro-life equation.
However, I've noticed that in practice, many individual who claim to be pro-life are really not -- they're just anti-choice.
I'm not a "pro-lifer", but I truly don't understand this writer's problem with states providing the safe haven option. This is not the only recourse available to pregnant women/new mothers -- it's a measure to address a single aspect of the problem. I don't think it makes any sense to vilify safe havens for not solving every other associated problem at the same time.
I think that these havens are simply necessary. Maybe if we had better sex ed and easier, cheaper access to birth control, we wouldn't need abortions or these safe havens.
Are you an idiot?!
"Families need protection from these programs"?!?!?! The help being provided is offering an alternative to a dumpster!!
This article is infuriating, quote: "Safe Haven laws, despite their good intent, are ultimately anti-adoptee, anti-adoption, anti-child, anti-woman, and anti-family."
This is bullsh*t. How on earth is a program that takes unwanted children and places them up for adoption anti-adoptee, anti-adoption, and anti-child?
How can a program that offers a compassionate option for women in a situation worse than most of us can imagine* be "anti-woman"?
(*by worse than most of us can imagine, I'm NOT talking about just being young, pregnant, alienated from your family, frightened and confused: I'm talking about coming from a situation so horrible that killing your full-term baby seems to be the only option for you)
One legitimate point "the children will never know where they came from, what their lineage is, yada, yada, yada..." Yeah, that sucks, I see how some extremely emotionally challenged people could never cope with that... You know what would be worse though? If a woman who is scared for her safety or the safety of her other children at home was arrested for child abandonment, her name published, whatever she was so afraid of coming to pass...
Imagine a woman who wants to give her baby up for adoption, but she is HIDING the pregnancy from someone she knows will harm her if they find out... She has no way of knowing she can trust the idiot volunteers at the adoption agency to not call her house constantly, not to send things to her, not to stop by, or harass her about medical appointments that she is unable to keep due to the secrecy of her condition...
I'm so angry about this article... I can't even continue. I know I'm not making sense...
One last quote: "One moment of fear over some temporary situation and a mother and father may have lost their child forever. I hope all mothers who have been duped by this ill-considered safe haven project take steps to get their baby back. I hope all fathers whose rights have been by-passed all together take steps to get their baby back. I hope someone cares enough about these children to give them back, without a fight."
I know a woman who had to return her adopted infant after mothering him for 7 months... She has never recovered, and that child is NOT in a better place having been given to the grandparents of the teenager who gave birth to him.
I think I just had an aneurysm. I'm going to have to go have an abortion to make myself feel better now.

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