Saturday, October 31, 2009

For what possible purpose does "In God we trust" appear on American currency?

helps brainwash our society. FEAR GOD. Oh and tithe too
"The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War"
People need to learn to Google. %26gt;=(
To assert the monotheistic dominance over America.
It's purely religious advocacy -- saying one particular religious belief is dominant and approved by the US govt.
So the American sheeple will believe the piece of paper they're holding is worth something...
Because the people who wrote it trusted in God.
First place you need to understand we do not have currency any more. If you look on the bills today it says U.S. Note.
The (In God we trust will soon be remove because the leaders would not be bound by the oath.
For the same reason the phrase "under God" appears in the pledge of allegiance: to distinguish us from the communists.
While the motto had frequently appeared on coinage since the Civil War, it was not made the official US Motto until 1956, and it began appearing on paper currency the next year.
Of course, the cynic in me wants to say that the motto replaced the ability to actually redeem the paper notes for silver. That might well be another topic..
Because God is the only reason our country exists and that America is the only country that matters in this world other than Israel. America and Israel rules!( and GOD)

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