Saturday, October 31, 2009

Frank hill the estate agents?

have had our property on the market with them for 17 weeks,we have decided to move on as having no joy with them,told that we need to put our withdrawal in writing giving them 2 weeks notice,we went in to the shop to hand over our written withdrawal only to be told we now have to pay 拢200 withdrawal fees,and when we said we were under impression that it is a no sell no fee,we were told we should have read the contract more carefully,we said we saw that on the contract about a 拢200 fee,but when we queried it,we were told to just ignore that as that only comes in to play if we withdraw before the 16 week term,which we were not doing,the girl then said,,not my prob when we told her,you should not have signed the contract then,,has anyone else had these kind of dealings with them,,are they right to ask for money like this /
they sound like a right rip off
Hey, didn't your mum tell you about estate agents. Go online in future.
If the contract says there is a withdrawal fee, there's not much you can do.
Unless it stipulates that the fee will be waived (or void) after 16 weeks, it will apply until the contract ends.
Never, ever 'just ignore' anything in any contract. If you aren't happy with it, either get it properly amended or refuse to sign.
Don't sign to any terms unless you're willing to abide by them.
It is hard to prove oral misrepresentations like this, but I see from the website of these people that there are various bodies you can complain to if they are guilty of sharp practice.
In practice, I wonder whether they would go so far as to pursue you for 拢200?

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