Saturday, October 31, 2009

For every handgun you hand in you get a brand new iPhone or iPod?

And for every rifle or shotgun handed in, one gets a brand new electric bicycle? How's that to avoid a repetition of crazy shootings and crimes by young gun owners? Just a wild idea to explore ways to save more innocent lives being snuffed out by crazy weapon owners. An idea that may well encourage tourism and bring peace of mind to the citizens/locals. What are your concerned thoughts on these?
Actually, a lot of places already have cash/prize incentives for handing in firearms--most with a no-questions-asked policy. Just today in the paper I read a story about a "Kicks for Guns" program in Ocoee, Fl, where you can get sneakers for turning in a gun--no questions asked. One man turned in a 4-foot-long rocket launcher for size-3 Reebok sneakers for his daughter.
Citizens use firearms more than 400,000 times per year to avert crime, and in less than 4% or 5% of those instances is a shot ever fired. (FBI statistics)
Maybe if you hand in your gun in exchange for an electric bicycle, it will be easier for the hood down the street to rob you of your new bike.
if they wanted an iphone, bike, or pony they would have bought one
but its hard for mentally deranged people to kill others with those items, therefore they buy a gun.
maybe we could give terrorists tickets to the circus in exchange for their IED's?
For a barter system like that to work, the gun owner really has to value the other object more than their gun. Do you see many people in the country trading in their rifles for electric bicycles? Guys in the city know that a gun can get them a bunch of iphones, so why would they trade for just one?
Handguns don't kill People kill.
People are the problem not the guns.
The idea should be better gun safety training and exposure of the dangers of gun use to the younger generations.
My father took me out periodically as a child to show me how a gun worked and the dangers (eg: the results of) shooting something.
I never touched my dad's guns without permission as a kid and that safety training carries over to today, where I have inherited several firearms from deceased relatives.

I'm not a gun-nut, but believe that an armed populace is the only protection from a tryannical govt.
For that reason, I'll keep my guns.
What about the people that have TWO guns?
Well, now they have an ipod AND a gun.
Sure, turn in your hand gun for a phone or bike, then when you need a gun to protect yourself you won't have it, but instead you will have a phone they can steal and a bike they can ride away on.
Thanks, but no thanks!
I'll keep my handgun. I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
I have a better idea. Why don't we uphold our laws and not let anyone that uses a gun in a crime or has mental problems ever have a gun again. Why isn't Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton out raving about the college students that were killed? Is it just because the killer wasn't white?
You are living in a dream world. The only people stupid enough to hand in their firearms for these items are criminals who can replace them in less time than it took me to write this reply. Here is a little history for you. the largest mass murders in the United States were accomplished, not with any type of a firearm, but with 3 aircraft, on 9/11. Before that day, the largest mass murder in the United States was accomplinshed with 1 match, and 1 gallon of gasoline, in the Bronx, at the Happyland Night club. SOOOOOOOOO
Perhaps we should give away I-pod and color tv's for every 757 turned in, and an brand new bicycle for every gas station we level??
Get real... Guns are INANIMATE OBJECTS. It is the twisted person behind it that misuses it.

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