Saturday, October 31, 2009

First child support hearing...please help!?

soon i have my first child support hearing and im not sure what to expect?!?! i was told to bring financial papers stating what i make but i am not working i have moved in with family so i can take care of my daughter. i wouldn't necessarily say they are supporting me more like i am staying there till i can get back on my feet.will this hurt my case? My ex has a good job and while we were together he said he didnt want me to work and have her go to daycare but once she was born he was MIA
take all the info you have such as past jobs and how much you made because they will calculate his income and what you are capable of earning and average it as to what he has to pay..also if either one of you have other children they consider that also. Good Luck
just take what you do have. You'll get money regardless of your working or not. somehow they calculate your wages and his, and go from there. Explain to the judge your situation, and hopefully you can get a decent check. I hope he's not a deadbeat who won't pay!
why did i get a bad rating?? I speak from experience!!
If he's the one with the job I'd like to see him with custody.

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