Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fear of burglary?

ok so at night i always am hearing little noises (im 15) and a few weeks back a neighbor told us about a guy roaming arround at 4:00am and we live in the county (rural) now i sleep with an AK-47 beside me and i know the dogs would bark up a storm if there were a burglar..but still i dont know what i would do if a burglar got into my mom sleeps downstairs and me my dad and my sister sleep on the 3rd on 1st.and i think they would most likely come in 2nd floor because we have many points of entry what im asking is how can i ease my fear (besides burglar alarm) and if i did encounter a burglar..what could i legally do?
Dogs are a great deterrent. An intruder is less likely to enter a home that has barking dogs. In this country, if you fear for your life you have a right to protect yourself. But remember you must also follow all Country, state and local laws on possession of firearms. And remember you do not want to harm someone you know mistaking them for an intruder. Lights on outside at night can deter a burglar, especially the ones that come on by movement. You can contact a local company that specializes in deterrents for more ideas.
you can legally defend yourself if you are in fear for your life. I'm not saying shoot someone -
If your afraid that he is going to kill you or one of your family members you can shoot him!
Any law enforcement agency will tell you that a LOUD dog is the biggest deterrent for would be burglars so I think your kind of safe.
The other thing is to give the AK to your dad. If anyone has it, it should be him not you (unless he goes to bed drunk every night).
Legally you can shoot if your life or another's is threatened. You can also install motion activated floodlights to scare burglars away. But forget the burglar, I'm more concerned about the 15 year old with the AK-47 beside his pillow o_O that may be taking things a bit too far and very dangerous.
you do NOT sleep with an AK-47 next to you. no parent in their right mind has one of those in the house, let alone lets their child sleep with it. why are your parents not in the same bedroom?
if someone enters your house, then you have the right to defend yourself.
If there is a burglar in your house, it is a safe bet that he's up to no good. In some parts of the country, pantywaist juries will be worried about the burglar's rights and sometimes convict. In the South, you can pretty much blow them away with impunity.
Look into getting a .45 because a rifle is unwieldy in close combat.
(Yeah, I know that this is a troll, but he's pretty good at it.)
Gee, Zach, what concerns me is that you, at 15, are taking on the responsibility for the whole family's safety. How come you don't feel safe with your parents in the house??
there's something wrong with this picture.
Your problems go far deeper than stressing about burglary. I commited this offense once and have it come back to me ten times over. I am a true believer in the big cosmic payback! There is NOTHING that can't be replaced except for a life! There's nothing like the feeling that you will be stuck with if you did kill someone. Let your parents know what you're feeling. You need help. There is no reason for a kid to own an AK, EVER!! You'll find much more peace by giving your dad that rifle!!!

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