Saturday, October 24, 2009

Filming a Nanny Without Her Knowing? Legal?!?

Can I secretly film a nanny in my own house to periodically check up on her without her knowing?
It depends upon the laws in the state where the filming takes place. In some states, it is not a crime, but the video is inadmissible in court. In other states, it is actually a crime to record. In still others, it is neither illegal nor inadmissible.
If you want to do this, then check with an attorney in your area. These are your kids - don't be cheap. Spend the money to find out if you can do it legally. If you are not allowed to do this, then you'll spend a lot more money defending yourself in court than you would if you had just contacted an attorney first. Trust me about the expense; I'm an attorney. You can find a local attorney at the link below.
video yes. sound no.
For all that time and effort, you could RAISE YOUR OWN KID!
Filming; yes, broadcasting it, no. LOL
If she is in your employ, no you cannot film or record her without her consent. She's an employee for Christ's sake! Do you want your boss filming you picking your nose or scratching your nads at work?
Jeez.once again I'm absolutely flabbergasted!
The way the law reads in California, you can film someone without their permission. You cant record just their voice. Many parents have nanny cams. If it's a matter of your child's welfare vs a nanny's privacy-there's not much choice.
It can depend on your locality and their laws. In general, yes. The main question is reasonable expectation of privacy, and there isn't much expected privacy in the workplace, in this case your home. Many laws limit the amount of sound recording allowed, so again, check with your local law enforcement (you can always ask the police department). However, even at the workplace, there is expected privacy in the restroom, so that is pretty much always off limits.
You sure can! That is your house. You have the right to have hidden cameras all over your house, if you want to.
That is exactly what I would do if I were to leave my child with a nanny. I would have the camera hooked up so I could sit at my desk at work, as well as watch what goes on in my home while I'm gone, at the same time.

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