Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fat people discrimination law?

The news was talking about a state (Mass.) who wants to pass a law that states, fat people can sue for discrimination in a workplace if they feel they were discriminated against because they are obese or overweight (same as race, gender etc. laws). What do you think of this?
My opinion is people just dont want to take resposibility for themselves and make excuses by blaming others with frivilous lawsuits.
I am "fat" - there, I said it - and I think this is a bad idea.
If someone has a genuinely serious problem then the Americans with Disabilities law would probably cover it.
But I'm uncomfortable with laws giving people rights based on their voluntary behavior, even if it has a genetic component.
So this law gets a chubby "thumbs down" from me.
PS I'm now dieting, big-time. Most of the food people eat is POISON! If I can do it, anyone can. Wish me luck!
Fat has nothing to do with the ability to do a job any more than race does.
Well its one thing to say somebody is fat and if it's the truth then what is the problem? But then it is another thing if you put people down saying oh your fat and no good and etc...
I think it's foolish. but when has that stopped Mass before.
I agree with you. Thats really stupid, and there are more important issues that need to be addressed. I think that will just give people a reason to be fat. Basically that state is saying, its okay to be fat, and if you dont hire the person, they might sue you.
Personally I think fatties should be ground up and processed into food for third world countries. Soylent green!
I agree with you. It is getting ridiculous.
We have too many protected groups already.
If the weight problem is due to a medical condition, they are already covered under the ADA. However, if it's just a matter of laziness and lack of willpower, I say no. What next, special rights for people who don't like to bathe?
Overweight or heavy people who get denied positions solely on their size ABSOLUTELY deserve to be compensated. it's total discrimination. Are you saying that people should be allowed to turn away someone, who is totally and completely qualified, based ONLY on their pants size? Come on.
I agree all those women and minorities would make decent white men if they only tried.
Did that sound stupid. Well so did your question.
It's not a matter of taking responsibility for yourself it is about being passed over for promotion because some dumb blonde has a rockin' bod and You have a rock shaped bod.
It sounds like a way for some lawyers to get very wealthy litigating for fat people who don't really want to work anyways- but will say their employer discriminated against them because they failed to install 10ft wide doors for them to get their super sized tushies through.
I agree everyone wants to be a victim these days, it is really sad that someone can sue someone else just because they are fat. Fat people is not a protected class and can be discriminated against in cases such as the military and police departments because they cannot do the job. I agree with you 100%
I suppose it's a little of both. Fat people are mis-treated in this society, to some small degree. Perhaps they are not mis-treated as much as some would suggest, but they are viewed with more animosity than they deserve.
But if discrimination is recognized legally in this case, there are bound to be stupid lawsuits.
And in case anyone wonders about my stake in the issue (it's bound to happen); I'm not overweight. If anything, I tend ot be a little too slim.
fat people are people too! just because no one likes them and theyre ugly and babies cry when they see them and they flood the internet with stupid videos of themselves and people just laugh at them because they are retarded doesnt mean that you can whine about the fact that they are better than you
I think the idea of making a list of all the reasons for discrimination, and forbidding each one, is misguided.
The point is, any discrimination should be punishable: that is, if you're not hired or paid or promoted for any reason that has nothing to do with your ability to do the job, you should have your wrist slapped, and if you don't knock it off, worse.
There's a growing tendency for people to think that everyone who isn't identical to them in every way (including their weight) deserves to die.
This is inhuman and insane.
A person's weight is nobody else's business.
If a company discriminates against someone for a reason unconnected with the quality of their work, they should pay.
You may think it's right for everyone who isn't anorexic to live in the streets because people won't hire them, but no human would agree.
I would oppose this law. I would hate to see a 300lb stewardess squeezing through a narrow aisle on a plane.

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