Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fell down at Alberson's... what next? Legal question...?

Hi all! I fell down at Albertsons. HOW TOTALLY EMBARASSING. Turns out I just slipped on the slippery silver step on the doorway. I have bruising but nothing major. Anyway, I filled out the report w/ the manager. They just said, "Thank you" and proceeded to walk away. I asked, "What happens now?" She replied, "Nothing, we just have to document these things."
Doesn't sound right to me. Has anyone had experience with this sort of thing? I'm not one to want to hire an attorney...
What is it that you are looking for? Move on with your life. The manager had to write an incident report to protect the store in case you decide to sue them for your being a klutz.
It is up to you if you want to file a frivolous suit to sue them (even though you didn't get injured) and raise their prices for the rest of us. They did what they were supposed to in filing a report.
Hire an attorney for what? You just had bruising, nothing major. What did the store do to cause you to fall? What are you expecting them to do for you? Sometimes, accidents happen and there is no one to blame. Isn't that what happened here? If so, put some ice on it and be more careful!
What did you expect to happen?
If you feel that the step was truly unsafe, then you should have talked with the manager right then about fixing it. To hire an attorney in this case seems unnecessary. The last thing we need is another frivolous law suit.
It sounds like whoever you spoke to might have been kinda cold to you about the whole issue, but the truth is, LIFE is all about walking and falling, just because it happened at Albertson's shouldn't make them have to do anything for you (in my opinion.) They only document it as procedure. That's policy.

Don't be one of these people who want to sue for no reason, it makes it hard on the one's who really get hurt due to someone else's carelessness.
Accidents happen.
What would you expect them to say? "Please, please, please don't sue us"? Won't happen. Why would they put the idea into your head, if you weren't already thinking it
Do you think they'll pay you without a lawsuit? Won't happen. Bruising isn't anything major.
Was there something wrong with their doorway? Did you get really hurt? Break anything major? No? Forget about it.
You want their money, you'll have to sue to get it. And, to sue, you need a good lawyer. If you take this to small claims court, you won't win. Not unless you can prove you've lost time at work, or have medical bills due to injury.
If you were not injured, then go home and make up a funny story about it. If you were injured, then you have to decide if you want to pursue Albertson's for money or just chalk it up to being an accident. The mere fact that you fell does not establish that Albersons was negligent or is in any way responsible for your accident. If you want to pursue it, you will need an attorney because there is no reason for Albertsons to just whip out a check book and voluntarily give you money.
WHAT HAPPENS IS THAT THEY HAVE DOCUMENTED A CONDITION THEY FEEL MAY CAUSE PROBLEMS! You have done a great thing in reporting a safety issue to the proper authorities. Their attitude is a bit alarming but I seriously don't see where there is just cause for a suit. If there are madical bills or something that were caused by this then present them to the mngmt. and ask for them to be taken care of so you do not have to tie the courts up with it. DO NOT EXPECT A FREE RIDE!!
The manager should have definitely acted a little more sympathetic. One of the biggest causes of unnecessary lawsuits in this country is rudeness or apathy on the part of the defendants, even though they didn't actually do anything wrong from a legal standpoint. Would it have killed her to show some concern for your well being? Hardly. It's the same thing with doctors - you wouldn't have half the malpractice lawsuits in this country if their bedside manner was a little better.
By the sounds of your question your not after a law suit for what was simply an accident. By the sounds of things that's all it was. Sure the stair may not be safest in the world but then again neither is crossing the street most of the time. lol Maybe if your worried about others getting hurt you could approach the centre and suggest that maybe they fix the stair/step so it's safe for all and an elderly lady may avoid severly injure herself.
I'm not sure what you really expect them to do oter than maybe fixing the step unless you actually do want to file a suite. Either way, it was just an accident. I know how this works because the same thing happened to me a number of years ago, prior to lawsuits being thrown around like they mean nothing. I cracked my open quite well and ended up sitting with a nappy on my head trying to soak up the blood. It was running through my hair and down my face. My oldest daughter was only a baby at the time and I had done it by bending down to pick up a dropped item of clothing and managed to smash my head right on the corner of a metal machine which dispenses nappies. The store were incredibly amazing. They helped out with first aid and carried my daughter around the store, giving her a balloon. They even drove us home. It didn't occur to me until some time later that I might have been able to sue. You know though, it was just an accident, simple as that. It was nobody's fault, stuff happens.
There isn't any need for an attorney here, it was just an accident. Accept it at that. If anything, like I said, approach the store and ask them to take a look at the step.

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