Saturday, October 31, 2009

For the poor countries....?

ok me and hubby was having a conversation about the government and stuff and budgets and why some countries are poorer than others right well why dont they just make more money...i mean money is made somewhere by someone init,theres a big ol' machine somewhere that turns paper into money so why dont they just use more paper and make more and share it out bit of a simple solution if you ask me,just get the guy who makes the stuff to do a spot of overtime and hey presto! no more underpriveliged folk,,what do say its right if you think about it!
No its true if you really think about it. There is somewhere a polish worker on 拢3 a hour printing english money with the queens head on it. Why not print a few hundred billion more off, give the 3rd world a meal and condoms. Sod every other country off and we will all live as kings and proud to be english.
It's because their governments are corrupt and "take" all the money from the poor (and make themselves rich) and make them dependent on their broken system.
lol..making more money isn't the answer.
Its not that they don't have the money - South African government has the money for weapons etc but what about the starving people in the outbacks and jungles? Why don't they do something about their own people.
its a little bit more complex than that. if the did that it may cause inflation
a country's money has to been underwritten by the central bank. If you just print money without having the same value in your reserves it just devalues your currency by increasing inflation. A good example is Zimbabwe at the moment, Their inflation is something like 9000% because Mugabe just prints money at will.
heck no; you can't just "print more money."
if you print more money, that will put more money into the system. with more money in the system, it will be more abundant, and therefore less valuable. think about it.
this is called inflation, where the purchasing power of a unit of currency goes down. it would not help the people.
if printing money could solve the problems, don't you think poverty would've been cured. the government could then just print up wads of money and hand them out like candy, and everyone would live happily ever after.
but that doesn't happen, because that would cause inflation and undercut capitalism.
Great idea, print me a bucketful. This is the kind of thinking we need.
They did your idea of printing more money in weimar Germany and what happens is hyperinflation. So the countries become poorer.There are many factors why some countries ar poorer than the others, it could be the government, it could be there is no industry or it could be that they are ravaged by war etc.
The more money people have the higher inflation is, the price of things just goes up, so a loaf bread could cost millions.
Prices of products is about how much supply there is compared the amount of demand. So if there is only five loafs of bread in a shop yet 100 people want to buy it, it doesnt matter how much money they have in their pockets only the richest five could afford it.
One thing I like about ethical questions is; these questions remind us of how and where we did forget human socialism. Take the examples that used to be practised in native Africa, America societies "I mean the rain dances". that is to say, whether u get along with your neighbour or not, the need for rain to come as soon as possible is a common desire that brings all together for a common good, in fact u receive two goods in return; the chance to socialise again with your neighbour, plus the rain will come or not!
Rich or poor countries need not print more money because today the rain dance has taken a new face; political animals move about in the world societies to receive two goods in return.
Was going to answer, but Sean D sums it it perfectly. If everyone has more money, the price of food goes up at the same rate, whcih means that nothing will change.
oh my god, everyone thinks they have the answer but let me tell u, our bins got changed to 2 wkly collections and now theyre sayin if we want it back to wkly then we gotta pay 拢3.5mill more council tax as a small town, so y didnt our council tax go down then when it went to wkly collections? what i think is we should all nick stuff from shops, stop recyclin, stop payin our bills and all rebel against the tos**rs in the government then jus maybe we might get somewhere.
sorry jus needed a rant! xx

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