Saturday, October 24, 2009

False Flag?Are we being taken over?

false flag ls a covert operation conducted by governments. corporations or other orginazations which are designed to appear as though they were carried out by your enemies- to stage a terrorist attack to blame it on someone else--- This enables government to pass laws to seize control of the peoplel, like the Patriot Act.
We are just being TAKEN .
What is your question or are you just venting?
We have already been taken over by aliens - they are secretly running the planet. There are new sightings almost every day.
And false conspiracy theories are used to undermine confidence in governments. People tend to believe the story that seems to confirm whatever they believed in the first place, and the average person doesn't have the resources to fully investigate every theory and charge.
Since none of my anti-war friends seem to have mysteriously disappeared or had accidents, I tend to believe the government version of 9/11. The type of government that stages terrorist attacks and blames it on outsiders would tend to be the kind that doesn't let people criticize it and live. If Ron Paul, Barack Obama, Kucinich, etc. start having "accidents" I will start to worry a bit.
Oh brother, are the spreaders of false information STILL at it??
Your sources are just plain wrong.
World War 2 was NOT started by our own government! WWII was started by, you know, that HITLER guy who tried to annihilate all the Jewish people in his country of Germany because he had some personal problems with them (As in, being half-Jew and his family stiffed him). And that was on that side of the Atlantic. The OTHER half of WWII, you know, where a country called Japan was trying to conquer China and stupidly believed they could get the US as well if they attacked Hawaii bombed our naval fleet in Pearl Harbor Hawaii and ticked off the US Navy in the process. WWII was NOT started by this group!
These are false rumors designed to scare you into believing conspiracy theories! Let me tell you who was first on the scene with relief efforts, trucks full of water, food, blankets, and emergency medical supplies after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. (HINT: NOT the US government!) THE MORMON CHURCH! The US Government is NOT so organized that they can screw in a light bulb without notifying 12 supervisors in advance and getting 17 signatures approving the lightbulb change. The current government does NOT have the power to start a war and get away with it - if they could, would George W. be the most hated man on the planet? The ones who attacked the Twin Towers in New York City were NOT secret government agents trying to start a war - they were idiots from the other side of the planet who believed they would go to heaven and rape 100 virgins for committing suicide and taking out a thousand innocent victims with them in the name of their God, namely Satan the Evil One because the true God would never demand suicide from His People (Get it right!)
Stop paying attention to the idiots who never go to the source for their rumors. Those people have never been outside their hometown, let alone Iraq to see for them selves what's going on with the war in Iraq. 90% of those saying the rumors are addicted to illegal drugs and have problems with schizophrenia - THEY ARE NOT RELIABLE SOURCES.
Relax. Encourage the worst so Jesus Christ will return that much sooner...

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