Saturday, October 31, 2009

First Paris...NOW LINDSAY? What do You think is a fair sentence for her?

Lindasy was arrested again last night and while having a ankle monitor on. This is her second in less than a week. And this is 2 DUIs and possession of coke. After Paris was dealt with what will Lindsay get or deserve?
Let's break it down. California has "diversion" for 1st time drug offenders. Mere possession of recreational amount of cocaine: That's summer camp with no criminal penalty for walking out. Second DUI (driving with a blood alcohol volume over .08%) in six months. That is a felony. It should buy her 6 months or so in jail. But she will get sent to LA County jail, same as the other bim Paris Hilton. The Sheriff will send her home in a couple of weeks. She'll be washing the nosefuls down with Grey Goose in no time. Then it's back into her Mercedes for a little high speed chasing of her personal assistant's mom for getting her to quit working for her. At some point she will either bottom out, get the message that she is a drunk and an addict or she will die. She, Paris and Britney have all stayed in revolving door private rehab facilities with quicky 21 day programs. Any recovering drunk will tell you that it is a day at a time lifetime commitment. That means meetings every day or so forever.
She should get what anyone else would, but she won't. that's no surprise to anyone.
This one should get her about 6 months to a year. Monkey see, monkey do.
how about a good spanking, loss of allowance, and a month in a lock down unit of a maximum security prison. Might make an impression on them and the rest of the money makes right crowd.
5 million years w/ the fuzz but then again everyone would think that the government is just making a statement that they can punish stars properly
I'll be her personal monitor... :-)
sigh...she'll get special treatment, as usual.
2 Years in a real prison
I say the appropriate sentence would be to hanger her from a tree and set it afire.
we dont need that dumb moron using the fan's money to buy crack, expensive cars, then go to jail for DUI.
Both are a waste of skin, spoiled kids. If it was anyone else they would be charged hard, but she will get a slap on the wrist, its almost like its a joke to them.
Have money will travel
DUI AND COKE no less than TEN YEARS.. and i would have put PARIS there for that AS WELL... Just think if when there driving with drink in them and they KNOCK DOWN AND KILL YOUR KID would you be looking for any less?? don't forget are kids look up to them so let the law stand up to them and put the away... if not what are you teaching them.
Possession of coke is 3 years minimum I think, but she won't spend more than . 45 days in jail, (sentenced) and 20 actual.
Who gives a rolling crapola about some underage bubblehead who drinks too much and does cocaine?
Several months at least of jail time.
Lock 'em all up and lock up media persons who insist on glorifying these idiots.

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