Saturday, October 24, 2009

Falsely accused of sexual harassment?

My mother is being accused of sexual harassment by a fellow employees mother he is 29 and quit his job and claims it is because my mother harassed him. They are bringing out papers for her to sign and telling her it may cost her her job. she has always gotten along with this man but not with his mother or the woman he is seeing who also both work with her. She thinks the mother is saying this to try and hurt her because they have never gotten along. What can she do to defend herself from this since it isnt true.
dont sign papers without legal counsel once someone makes a claim like that in public they are subject to a lible suit and thats why you need a lawyer to sue them back call you local legal aid for a reference
Get a lawyer. Have they given her any proof or a copy of the complaint? She is at least entitled to that so she can defend herself.
She must get a lawyer, even if it is a public defender (who I believe she will be entitled to if they are bringing charges against her). I believe she is entitled to hearing what they intend to provide as "proof" that this happened. If all they have is people who are involved saying I saw this, I saw that, it will just be one person's word against another person's word.
Honey, Harassment is in the eyes of the harassed, and it is hard to prove you were not harassing some one if they claim other wise. There has to be a complaint signed by the 29 year old male are the job could not take action. She needs to get a copy of this and study it to see if she can fright it or not. If he mistook her being nice to him as coming on to him she could stand a chance. But if he claims she said or did stuff to him, she will have to prove she did not do it. And that is hard; it is her word against his, unless she has some one there that can back her up%26gt;
Well, false accusations of sex abuse, rape, sexual harrasement are very common and are used for a variety of reasons.
It is usually a she said/ he said situation that boils down to the credibility of the accused and the accuser.
You should vigorously deny all false accusations made towards you, and also carefully weigh the possibility of a slander/libel lawsuit, which can be pretty traumatic in itself.
I would consult a libel and slander attorney who can weigh your claim in confidence.
It is not unusual for a person to get fired because someone else accused them of sexual harassment and brought a complaint to the EEOC. It is common because all the employer needs to do is to investigate the complaint and, even if there is no conclusive evidence, take some action. Many employers consider an accusation of sexual harassment an immediate termination for cause. To make matters worse, if your mom is terminated for this she may have problems getting any unemployment benefits.
She needs an employment attorney to review the documents BEFORE she signs them. When the employer gives her the documents she should tell them that her attorney needs to review them. That will alert the company that she is going to fight this. Because this is not a criminal matter, the type of attorney she need is one who concentrates on employment law in her area. She cannot wait, this is a difficult case.

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