Saturday, October 31, 2009

For anyone who believes abortion should be illegal?

If you are against abortion and believe that it should be made illegal, what, if any, penalty do you believe there should there be for pregnant women who continue to have abortions?
A penalty would be imposable to enforce because you can use herbs to have an abortion!
You can pick them up at any health food store, take them, and nobody would ever know.
You can get an abortion without a doctor, and without anybody even knowing!
Here is some useful herbs for anyone wanting to cancel their pregnancy. These herbs are available at any health food store for about $3.00 to $12.00 a bottle. I have located most of them at my local store, so they should be available anywhere.
Angelica: can cause uterine contractions
Lovage: causes uterine contractions
Mistletoe: can cause contractions
Pennyroyal: can cause miscarriage.
Rue: can cause miscarriage
Tansy: can cause uterine contractions
Wild Ginger: an ammenogogue that causes uterine contractions
Wormwood: stimulates uterine contractions and be toxic in large doses.
These should only be used in safe dosage amounts according to recommendations on the bottle.
Here is a website on what to expect during a herbal abortion.
Nutmeg can cause a miscarriage in large doses, but can also make you sick. Want an abortion? Just look in your spice rack! I would NOT recommend nutmeg, as it could make you sick, but if someone is denied an abortion they may have no other choice
I will leave that up to our Creator
The same penalty as any other homicide
Nothing. You don't go after the mother, you go after the doctors who preform them. That is how most anti-abortion laws work.
Abortionist and a woman who abort their babies. should have punishment like lethal injection or live in jail forever.
It's not the Government's choice as to whether you should be allowed to have your child or not. It is your choice. If you make abortion illegal, then you are going to have underground abortion clinics, and more deaths due to disease and germs. Think... Do you want someone to tell you want you can and can't do for the rest of your life? If so, you are nothing but a sheep.
Is worse to have an abortion than to use contraceptives. They can go to a health department and get contraceptives and learning material to avoid STD. Having sex irresponsible and then wanting the government to pay for the treatment of their STD costs a lot of money. Also, they can give the child in adoption. They can have surgery. The penalty should be to put them on jail, and if they want the abortion just to cover their appearances the penalty should be jail and put the names in public. Abortion for medical reasons is something different.
No one smart thinks it should be illegal.
It would not be a punishment for the women who had abortions, but for the doctors at the clinics who performed the abortions. Pull their license.
She should undergo for perament birth control operation. for that she will not bear a child again.

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