Saturday, October 31, 2009

For how much can you sue the police for running over someone if the police didn't make a stop on a stop sign?

One of my co-workers got run over by a police,the policeman didn't stop in a stop sign and this guy was riding his bike back home.He has been in the hospital for a week with two broken ribs,one of the ribs perforated his lung causing pneumonia.
This case is no different than when you get hit by anyone else other than a police officer -- unless there was a high speed chase involved and then it depends on laws in your jurisdiction.
Generally, you can calculate the amount you receive based on the medical bills involved. The medical amount will be multiplied by three, and then the doctors will get a third, the attorney will get a third, and the client will get a third. But the client's third will generally need to cover any time off work, future medical bills, etc. unless there is a permanent disability (full or partial) in which case the amounts are different. But it will be a long time before this can be figured out.
Chances are that your friend should already have been contacted by several local Personal Injury attorneys. If not, look for one and they will assist you in getting the best, most reasonable possible settlement.
Don't, under any circumstances, think "if I cut the attorney out, I can get their third" -- because the attorney will likely know more about your injuries than you do, and will know that you need to see the doctor more, or that your medical condition will likely worsen in the next 5 years, and stuff like that.
20 zillion. How much you are going to receive is another matter.

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