Saturday, October 31, 2009

Financial penalties for fraud?

I recently had my truck repaired and when some things didn't seem right I reported them to Consumer Affairs Auto Repair. After a thorough investigation they found that I'd been charged for repairs that hadn't been done. Small claims won't let you sue for fraud. I'm trying to find out how much I can sue for in civil court as far as penalties for how many days to see if it would be worth it or just sue for the fraudulant amount in small claims. Thank-You for any info. Vicky
Try your local TV station. They might have consumer warning section on there news station
you can probaly only sue for the amount you're out
if you go in there asking for a dumb amout of money they'll deny your case for being greedy
you can sue for the over charges, this is hard to prove in a court of law, it's often a case of you said and they said. It will cost you time, you will need an attorney is the case worth what it will take to win??
good luck

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