Saturday, October 31, 2009

For Those Who Know THE LABOR LAWS!! HELP!!??

ok i was working at a carousel for about 1 month what happend was i called in sick once because i was really sick i called in a day before...but thats not the problem the problem was that out of no where i got tooken off the its been 1 month and a half and he hasnt called me or nothing and he never fired cousin said because he could get sued if he did w/out a reason...well i called him today and politly asked for a explanation on whats going on...he said that they just dont need me right now and that the reason he took me off was because he had a problem with me that i had an attitude :] i never even talked to him personally like that only for work or training help how is that so...and he said that i had an attidude when i called in :] never did so he was like "i cant talk to you about this right now ihave to go" in a hurry all of the suuden.he's wrong i know but can i sue him..uneployment?...anything help...peace and love :]
oh yea im a minor...and ha im not givin up i feel as this was discrimanation and he hired 2 new people after me and my friend were no longer on the schedule :]
unless you had a signed contract, they can terminate you without cause.
If you live in a "right to work" state, you can do nothing. You can be fired anytime for any reason except race, sex or age. Your boss can come to and say you're ugly and fired.
Unfortunately, if you live in a state like I do (Virginia) an employer can dismiss you for no reason at all. I don't think what he is doing to you is right and I think you should try and go over his head if possible. Unless he owns the company then he has a boss. Minors can't draw unemployment unfortunately so that option isn't available but you can report him to your local labor board.
No hun, its better to count your losses, move on and find a different job. You can't get unemployment because you didn't work there long enough and unless your under a contract (doubtfully) he can cut your hours down to nil.
I would just start looking for another job. Bosses can be jerks, and it sounds like he's a pretty big one. Good luck with everything.
Unless he has publicly discriminated against you, or there is something on paper, he can fire you for the color of your shirt.
You are an "at-will" employee. That means you can be fired, laid off or whatever for no reason. Nothing else matters. Move on.
look for a new job... this one is not feeding you! simple as that. it was not the job for you, accept that and go. you have alot ahead of you, do not get hung up on this stupid job! you are worth much more!

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