Saturday, October 24, 2009

Filing A Sexual Harassment Grievance against workplace?

My fiancee worked somewhere and during this time, his supervisor had a picture of a woman flashing the camera on his computer. My fiancee saw this picture and the supervisor said, "Oh, you didn't see that!"
Then he was fired 2 weeks later. My fiancee didn't want to report the picture while he was working there because he was afraid of losing his job. Obviously, that is not longer a concern.
How should we go about reporting this and filing a greivance against his former employer? Is there a case?
I know that pornography and the like is a 0-tolerance type of thing at this place, so this would be a good case, correct?
This certainly doesn't seem right, but we don't know all of the facts. If what you say is true, then your husband was fired because of his boss's paranoia, and that's not right.
However, you have to ask yourself whether or not you're willing to go through something so tedious as a lawsuit. You could potentially lose more money than you can afford (especially with him being out of a job).
I would speak to a lawyer and weigh your options. I personally think that it will not be worth it in the long run. What would you ask for in compensation? What chances do you have of being compensated? Will your husband's current/prospective job be put on hold?
I would report the man to the BBB and move on.
Good luck to you both!
It sounds like he is bitter for being fired to me. Tell him to drop it and find a new job.
I think it is pathetic you want to waste your time filing a frivolous lawsuit. He's obviously bitter for getting fired and wants to lash out any way he can. There are such greater things in life to spend your time and energy on than some stupid screensaver your fiancee saw.
Get over it, move on, get a life.
It sounds like an extremely weak case.
That Supervisor has probobley removed the photo in question, so it would be the word of disgruntled former employee against the firm that dismissed him.
No so good. Without evidence and the lack of immediate action, there would be little reason to side with your husband who is claiming harrassment 2 weeks + AFTER the alleged incident. It couldn't have been too traumatic would be the thinking and they'd conclude the filing was in retaliation for being sacked.
My advice?
Drop it, move on.

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