Saturday, October 31, 2009

For or against?

do u think that the death penalty is just?
Yes, I do, as long as the criminal is guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt.
yes, for it, but only in very serious convicts.
it depends what the person did.
How does killing someone solve anything? Vengeance and justice are two different things. This is why Batman doesn't carry a gun.
On a serious note, I had a good friend of mine who was brutally raped, stabbed to death and then burned. I don't want to see the asshole who did that to die. I want him alive, no easy way out there, I want him to have a long life and to die alone thinking about what he did to her. She was 17 years old, dammit.
yes i do ... but i think what ever you did to other person should be done to you..
yes, i only wish that it would be used more
is just what?
i say bring it back
No. Death comes to all. No one should decide the time and place.
Yes it is just, but in America its too expensive. It is actually cheaper to incarcerate them for life then to execute them thanks to the stupid lawyers.
Duh! ;-)
Only for Genocide, Treason, Rape and 1st degree Murder, and maybe some other particularly heinous crimes. I also think the evidentiary standard should be higher than for conviction alone.
dpilipis has a good point as well, I would like to see public executions, not only as a potential revenue source which could pay some of the associated costs, and as a check to insure the process runs smoothly, but also to increase the deterrent value of the death penalty. I think criminals would be much less likely to commit capital crimes if they had witenssed a few executions.
For those who point out the costs of administering the death penalty, aren't you really saying you would like to see it used but a cheaper process should be found? I count that as being for the theory but against the practice as currently constituted.
I think in considering this quesiton, we should ask ourselves as well, is it fair that we should have to pay room and board for convicted criminals? That our hard-earned money is used to provide comfort and shelter for those who have proven they do not deserve either?
the person who has killed someone should surely be given a death penalty,then only will he/she know what their victims went through
Its not a question about it being just. We need to start executing criminals and control the population here a little better. Theres no room left in the prisons.
it doesnt deter murderers
its expensive to administer
it leads to innocent people being killed
dont believe me?
I think it should be used more often too...and should extend to those who commit crimes against children.
depends on what its for rape, murder, yes like an eye for an eye
I don't think its fair, there were many people in texas bush put to the death penatly and there not sure now if they were guilty.
It has proven itself to be unjust. Just look at the innocent who have been either executed or held for years on death row.
Until you can make this ultimate act 100% accurate, it cannot be declared just.
No way stick them in the hole for the rest of there lifes, but how can you justify murder with murder cause thats what it really is when you think about it, no one should take life no matter what has in a small dark cell for 24hr every day would be worse i think....
Yes, but only with DNA evidence. Anything else like eyewitnesses, etc they should get Life.
yes it is because any one who committs a crime worthy of it needs to be killed! I know i dont want my tax dollars going to him sitting in jail for the rest of his life. get it over and done..get him out of this world!
Just wait until someone you love is taken away from you. Then ask yourself that question again.
for the death penalty
YES...the punishment should fit the crime...why should a family lose a child or parent and the person responsible is out free, in some cases after a short prison sentence.?
yes i do as they need a detriment as prison certainly isn't it.
Yep. But in an individual case by case analysis.
Some individuals can be rehabilitated to become productive members of the society they are a part of - even behind bars. If that is the case, then why not allow them a chance. But there are those that don't deserve a chance to live, given that they took that right away from their victims. Those cases, I think that death is the only viable option.
No.. I do not.
Our justice system is all out of whack.
and killing people is just a way to satisfy the victim's family's vengence.
I believe in the death penalty in principle.
The current justice system, however, needs to be reformed to make it more effective.
It takes forever to actually execute a convict (appeals should be shortened) and it is done in secret somewhere in a prison basement (it should be done in public)
Yes for very serious crimes.

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