Saturday, October 31, 2009

Former friend filed false police report against me.?

I have a former friend who is intent on getting me into trouble because she's upset that I am friends with her ex %26 his friends who no longer talk to her. It's very childish but her lies have escalated along with her bizarre behavior. I just recently came home to a restraining order slid under my door that was delivered by an CT out of state officer (it states she couldn't find a sheriff to deliver it). She claims I am stalking her %26 that she %26 her neighbor have seen my car around her apt. numerous times. I live in NYC %26 don't even own a car! She lives in New Haven, CT %26 I've only been there when passing thru on the train to visit family in RI. She is filing false reports on me in CT %26 now I have to go to court because of it. I went to the NYPD %26 explained everything but all she received was a phone call from them %26 I can't file a restraining order unless she's arrested. She is filing false reports %26 if anyone could advise me on the best way to deal with this, it'd be appreciated.
A restraining order goes both ways. You can't file one against her because one already exists between you. Unless she has proof it's your word against hers. The cops deal with domestic disputes all the time and know that there's two sides to every story. Don't worry about it, really. Just have confidence that you're correct and she has some mental issues. Oh, and point out that you don't have a car to them. :)
I guess your next stop should be a lawyer's office. Do the court thing she is pressing on you. Go armed with a good attorney and the facts. Little facts like you don't own a car and the train passes through New Haven but you don't get off are important. Tell the judge. Now that it is going to court, if you can show that the reports are her harassing you she is the one who will be in trouble. It is against the law to file a false police report. You should then be able to get a restraining order against her. She may even be arrested for filing the false reports.
One other thing, if it keeps up file a civil suit against her to recover your expenses in dealing with her false reports. Include things like lost pay, travel expenses and don't forget your lawyer's fees.
My suggeston, when you go to court be calm. Don't go off screaming and yelling at her, just explain to the judge the situation. that you aren't sure why you have this restraining order b/c you don't have a car blah blah, but you think that your friend is angry at you fro being friends with your ex. You can tell him that you'll gladly stay away from this ex-friend, but you don't want a restraining order to go on your record for something that you'v never done to her... like stalking...

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