Saturday, October 31, 2009

For you smokers out there...?

How old were you when you started smoking?
And what do you think of underage smoking?
started at 15, smoked until age 26. at the time of quitting, i was easily smoking 2 packs a day, under a tremendous amount of stress/depression, and had been buying cigarettes by the carton for a few years. still have some mad cravings, sometimes every day for consecutive days. cigarettes are the freaking devil, especially for someone who comes from a family of addicts/smokers.
there are some interesting studies i have read recently about people's dispositions for getting hooked on cigarettes/smoking. some people can remain casual smokers for years, never exceeding 4 a day. others of us... i didn't stand a chance, in my humble opinion. i think genetically some folks are much more likely to get hooked than others.
among other factors that increase likelihood, sure.
what other product - when used as instructed - results in sickness and death? the govt makes a pretty penny *times trillions - over time on tabacco and alcohol. profit means it doesnt matter how lethal something is. go figure.
i live right next to a town that has outlawed smoking cigs. EVERYWHERE! including in your own bedroom of your own apartment (rented). every street, every single place anywhere in the city except on your own porch or in your own house (*that you own). think about it.
i am against smokers being treated like lepers. seriously. i defend someone's right to smoke. within reason. demonizing smokers isn't helpful to individuals or society.
smoking what?...oh cigs 16 years old...I'm 21 now if that i don't smoke anything :) and its great
Cigarettes are not good but people are not getting killed over it....not like drugs anyways....i feel like kids are going to get them no matter what if they want tell you the truth drugs were easier to get than Cigarettes or beer when i was under age
would you rather your kids drinking and smoking or doing drugs "not just weed"??? maybe they should make the age younger
19 for me. Under age smoking is on the rise and I disagree totally, but if they want to do it they will somehow or another. You can't be with your kid's 24-7 when they are 17,18,19. It's a choice.
I was fifteen. Started and stopped a few times. I think that underage smoking is deadly but unless peer pressure can somehow be elminated entirely it's not going to stop.
I never smoked. I was never sick before either. Then I moved in with a boyfriend who did smoke and I didnt mind him smoking. After a year a got really sick developed asthma that might have been there before but I never had symptons. I had a cold all the time. Now we are not together and I am back to smoke free. I still have the asthma problems and a chronic cough that I cant get rid of for longer then a few months at a time. I honestly believe that it was caused by his smoking.
Thirteen years old. It was 1967 and a pack of cigarettes cost 45 cents. That same pack costs over $9.00 now! Underage smoking? Hell that's an oxymoron. No one is old enough to smoke.
13. And now still do at 65,- thank you very much.
Added risk? Do the math
They tell you smoking increases you chances of lung cancer by 30%.
What they don't tell you is that your chance
without it is ~4.5%.
Do the math .3 x .045 = .135, (1.35%).
Hell! I take bigger chances than that crossing the street, and enjoy it less.

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