Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fired from my job because i used too many doctors notes?

i have been working there for about 7 months.
point system at work until you get fired:
5 pts - unexcused absenses/tardies
15 days of Requested time off which includes doctors notes.
we are given 15 days of RTOS.
For the past 2 weeks i have used a total amount of 3 doctors notes for a personal reason. on friday i called into work saying i would be missing work and bringing in a note (note #4).
i got a call back later saying i was fired for abusing the doctors notes and i cannot keep using it as an excuse to miss work.
the doctors notes are real but still after telling them that, they still insisted that i was fired for abusing it.
I AM ALLOWED 15 DAYS OF RTOS? i do not understand why i was fired for using 4 days of doctors note when i have 15 days allowed to me. i have never used a doctors note before and have only been using it for the past 2 weeks.
what should i do? was this fair?
Was there a probationary period that you could be let go if you were not meeting the expectations of the company if so they could let you go without any warning.
If those doctor notes were from your doctor, and you were allowed 15 days off, those days off including doctor excuses, and you didn't exceed that, I don't see why you would be fired. If this is the case, and you would like to get your job back, I would get a hold of your boss, and talk with him/her about it.
Overall the company would want strong players.
As for the doctor's notes, how come 3 different doctors %26 what kinda of symptoms.
If you find that you're illegally discharged, then you can bring it to Labour Court %26 you would need strong evidence that you've performed your duties well even whn you're off duties %26 did report to your manager/supervisor ahead when you're were on medical certificates.
check this link its good



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